When it comes to video marketing there are so many metrics. But you don’t need to track all of them. For example, when getting started most people like to focus on vanity metrics like views. But it isn’t a proper indication of how well your video is doing. There are far more important metrics that will better influence your growth potential and bottom line. I have discussed them below…

#1 Watch time:

Watch time is the amount of time people spent watching your video. It gives a far more accurate picture of how well your video is performing. When you look at views, it shows you the number of people who clicked the play button.

They could have watched the whole thing or only a couple of seconds. But when you look at watch time, it gives you a better idea as to how well the video did. You will know the exact number of seconds, minutes, or hours they watched. This is one of the reasons why YouTube takes it in as a ranking factor.

If the average watch time is lower than you expected, it means either that your video is too long or that there is something in the video that is stopping people from completing the whole thing.

So, keep an eye out for it. If the watch time of all your videos is similar, it might be better to edit your videos to that length. As the data is showing you that your audience prefers watching videos of a certain length.

#2 Average completion rate:

Another metric you need to pay attention to is the average completion rate. This is the percentage of people that watched the video all the way to the end. It’s mainly used for ads, but it can be important for organic videos too. If your average completion rate is low, it might be because your video is too long or that the quality of the video is bad. If it’s the quality then you might need to use a good video editing software to fix the videos or get a better video camera.

#3 Rewatches:

If people are coming back to watch your videos, it’s a good thing. It shows that they like your video content and are willing to spend more time on it. You can place your focus on creating similar content in the future.

#4 Clicks:

There are several different types of clicks you need to be tracking. These include clicks on the play button, clicks on the pause button, clicks on the call to action, etc. All of them can help you determine the quality of the video and audience behavior.

#5 Conversions:

When you publish sales videos on social media or when you are using ads, you need to track conversions too. Conversions can also be tracked when you create native sales videos like video sales letters and webinars. You can actually combine them with some of the above metrics such as watch time and average completion rate to see if there is a correlation.

This is because conversions are the metrics that matter most. If there is a correlation between the above metrics and the number of conversions you get, you might want to make sure the positive actions occur more often.

#6 Engagement:

Video engagement is also important. Engagement will vary from network to network. On sites like YouTube, you can look at things like likes, dislikes, and comments. And on Facebook, you can look at other metrics like shares, likes, and reactions.

#7 Negative feedback:

If you are using networks like YouTube negative feedback will be common. As videos regularly get dislikes and negative comments. So, you need to pay close attention to this. If your video is getting a lot of negative feedback, it might better to delete it and stop creating similar videos in the future. Of course, some times people may leave negative feedback in jest. So, keep this in mind too.

#8 Follower growth:

You also need to check if all the views and engagement are increasing your follower and subscriber growth. If there is a correlation between the number of views, completion rate, and watch time you will be able to figure out things like the number of views you need, to get a follower/subscribers.


These are the different video metrics you should be tracking. Use them to create better videos and to generate more views, followers, leads, and sales.