We all know how much Google loves to change and update their algorithm, making it difficult for SEO professionals to catch up. This is the primary reason why marketers keep changing and evolving their SEO strategies to stay relevant.

How can you create an SEO copywriting strategy that is evergreen?

Well, no matter how many times Google updates their algorithm, there are certain things that will never change.

In this post, I will share 7 evergreen tips on how to write good content for your website.

Ready to find out what they are?

Let’s get started.

1. Write Content to Match the Keyword’s Search Intent

The first rule of SEO copywriting is to do thorough keyword research and then write on topics that revolve around your primary keyword. This is a basic rule of SEO and, therefore, I am not even going to delve into it, assuming that anyone who knows anything about SEO will do that.

But, once you have done your bit and chosen the right keywords, it is also important to understand the search intent behind each keyword. This is something where many people still make mistakes and fail even after doing thorough keyword research.

Search intent is the reason why a user searches for a particular keyword online. The intent could be to find information about something (informational), locate something (navigational), or buy something (transactional).

Once you understand what the intent behind a particular keyword is, you can better create content around it. For example, if the search intent is informational, then you may opt for “how-to” content or create educational content about the topic. Similarly, for transactional intent keywords, you might want to use more CTAs to drive conversions.

This will help you better meet your audience’s expectations and get the desired results. You need to understand the keyword intent and then create content around it. However, not all businesses are familiar with SEO or don’t have an in-house team to manage their content which is why outsourcing their website copywriting service leads to optimized content that can drive more traffic to your site and convinces leads to convert.

2. Make Your Content Scannable and Actionable

A golden rule of writing good content for your website is to make it easy to read and useful for your audience. People like to find whatever they are looking for simply by scanning a piece of content and don’t often read the whole thing.

Therefore, it is important that you make your content scannable and useful.

But, how can you do that?

You can simply break down your content into relevant sections and sub-sections with appropriate headings to make it easy to read. This means that your audience should be able to just read the headings and get a gist of the content.

You can also use numbered lists or bullets to make your content more scannable. Basically, anything that reduces the effort required to read it while giving away most of the information is welcome.

You can get help from third-party tools to write great content and create highly-informative, yet easy-to-read content.

3. Maintain a Good Keyword Density

This is another basic rule of thumb for writing SEO-friendly content, but still important enough for me to reiterate. You should maintain a good density for your target keywords.

While the definition of “good” is subjective, I recommend at least 1% keyword density for your blog posts and 2% for your landing pages. Also, make sure that you optimize your content, but don’t stuff keywords in unnecessarily.

Keyword stuffing could make your content look spammy and reduces its value for the readers. Avoid that at all costs, even if you have to lower the keyword density a bit. Remember, when the choice is between adding a keyword or maintaining the content quality, always prioritize the latter.

4. Aim for the Featured Snippet

This is something that all expert marketers strive for, but only a few are able to achieve. After all, there is only one featured snippet for each keyword, but tons of content about it.

If you don’t already know, a featured snippet is the first box that appears in Google search results. It includes the main points that answer a user’s search query. For example, if you search for, “what is a featured snippet” on Google, you will get a featured snippet answering your question as shown below.

Featured-Snippet Image via Google

A lot of times, users simply read the answer in a featured snippet and don’t even bother to check out other links in the SERP. So, the best way to get your target audience to read your content is to aim for the featured snippet.

Wondering how exactly to do that?

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Write content that answers a question as clearly and precisely as possible.
  • Check out the other answers that you can get online and strive to create the best possible answer to any question.
  • If the answer is long, use numbered lists. Just reading the headings should answer the user’s question.

Try these tips for content marketing and strive to get your content featured in Google’s featured snippets section.

5. Write Catchy Titles

Titles are one of the most important parts of any content as these are what a potential reader sees first. In fact, many people make a decision to read or not read a post based entirely on the title.

So, make sure that your titles grab the audience’s attention and evoke curiosity in them to find out more.

Want to learn how to write good titles?

Here are some tips:

  • Use words that evoke an emotion in the reader.
  • Leverage surprising facts and statistics to grab attention.
  • Add numbers to add credibility to your titles.
  • Make sure that your titles clearly give the gist of your content.
  • Write titles that make people curious.

These are just some of the many ways in which you can write creative titles that grab the audience’s attention and get you more reads of your content.

6. Don’t Forget to Optimize the Meta Tags

Meta tags are an important part of SEO and still are often overlooked. You can create the best, SEO-friendly content for your website, but it won’t rank well if Google does not understand what you’re offering.

Meta tags are used to help the search engines understand what a page or post is all about. They help search engines understand and categorize your content, which is important for your content to be able to rank.

So, always write meta tags for your content and include your primary keyword in them to make sure that Google understands your content.

7. Optimize for Voice Search

Last, but not least, you should also optimize your content for voice search. The popularity of voice search is on the rise and is only going to grow further.  So, it is important that you start preparing for that so you don’t miss out on a bulk of incoming traffic that comes through voice searches.

Don’t know how to optimize your content for voice search?

Don’t worry, all you have to do is focus a bit more on conversational keywords. When people conduct a voice search, they talk in a conversational manner, so the search queries are usually longer.

To optimize for voice search, all you need to do is use long-tail, conversational keywords in your content. The rest of the SEO process remains more or less similar.

Ready to Writer Perfect Content for Your Website?

These are seven of the best tips to create content that ranks high on the SERPs. Try these tips to not only win over your audience but also to increase your chances of ranking high on the SERPs.

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